English language arts

Forest Fires Happen
Forest Fires Happen is an acronym for persuasive devices.
Applicable for any persuasive writing for any audience.

PEE Paragraph Sentence Starters
Used for both Key Stages 3 and 4 in English Language. Designed to be printed double sided (PEE on one side, connectives on reverse, same with writing and vocabulary) for students to use during assessment/guided writing. I have them printed in colour on card and laminated for my classroom and it’s a great resource - just grab them if you need, or distribute to individuals who are struggling.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

Julius Caesar Quotes by Theme
A list of quotes for revision for Julius Caesar - organised by theme and Act/Scene. A short summary of each Act/Scene is given also. A PDF and a Word Document are included so you can use as provided or edit for your own needs.
I printed this in A3 size for my Year 11s to use as part of their revision. It’s been invaluable in helping them organise and remember quotations.

GCSE Julius Caesar Exemplar: 1.1
AQA-style GCSE question and exemplar answer for Julius Caesar, Marullus’ speech from Act One, Scene One.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated.